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"Helen really pours all of herself into her work with her clients and shows up for you every day to build you up and give you any pep talks you need! I've finally found a fitness routine that I can stick to and even look forward to every day." – AW

"I feel transformed, Helen. Stronger (which was the main goal), more energy, lighter and the aches and pains I had are all gone.
I feel mentally stronger and I now have a body that I can rely on. I couldn’t have done it without you." – DB


“I have received nothing but 100% dedication and motivation from coach. Teaching and pushing me beyond my limits every time I set foot on the mats. As a coach she is unbelievably supportive and knowledgeable and as a friend is just as supportive and knowledgeable.” - JS


“I met Helen, from the first conversation with her, I knew it, a beacon in the darkest night. A rare genuine interest in discussing not only the MMA matters, but the personal ones. I found out that the woman in front of me is not only a coach, but a teacher.” - MI

“Helen’s sessions are always enjoyable and a definite highlight of my week due to me always learning something new but also retaining what I learn every week through recaps of past sessions.” - AH


"You are a ball of joy, light and energy and you did an incredible job of meeting the students where they were at and making it accessible, safe and fun. It was a highlight of my weekend! The student I was supporting in the workshop struggled the whole weekend and she lit up and laughed throughout which is testament to the work you do!" - ZF

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