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What makes it holistic?

Personal training is just about exercise, right? 

It shouldn't be!


At Holistic Strength I believe that personal training should be about so much more than just exercise. As you know, holistic means all encompassing, so I believe it is vital to take every aspect of a person's life into account. Sometimes training harder or more often isn't the answer. 
I will always encourage you to listen to your body, and although it might take a bit of trial and error (everyone is different), we will work out together when it's when it's best for you to eat, train, and rest, and when you just need to get outside! 

As well as all that, we try and find the best way to get a handle on your emotions, focus on your ambitions (both in and out of physical fitness) and above all, enjoy every moment of every day you get to spend on this planet. 


What does a week with Holistic Strength look like?

The exact schedule of your weeks training is individual and can be worked around your current commitments. In order to get the most out of our coaching sessions, I recommend that you train within the five week days, leaving the weekend free for you to enjoy. 


During the week, we will have an hour long session - this can be on Zoom, in the gym, or at a location of your choosing, where we will do a workout, focusing on technique, ensuring you are comfortable and confident with the subsequent workouts for the week ahead. The other four days will be "homework" days, where you will do a short workout by yourself. These are set by me, on an app which I will give you access to, which is included in your monthly subscription with me. 


Nutritional advice and meal planning is also included in your monthly fee, although this is optional. Please discuss this with me in your initial consultation. 



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